The Ngāti Pūkenga people of Tauranga origins begin at Ngāpeke at the Eastern side of Rangataua, now known as "Welcome Bay".
Te Whetū-o-Te-Rangi.
Ko Te Whetū o Te Rangi te Whare
Te Whetū o Te Rangi named after the son of Pūkenga is perhaps the best example of our distinctiveness as Ngāti Pūkenga. It was built in 1886 but was originally situated about a mile inland. Supplies and materials used to be barged up the Waitao river. It continues to stand as a testament of our distinct identity as a people. The Marae, was re-opened on the 20th of December 2008, with a beautiful ceremony, after it was destroyed by fire.
Ko Te Atairangikaahu te whare o Rongo
Ka whakaingoatia te whare kai mō ngā wāhine a Whetū, a Te Atairangikaahu rāua ko Kōtare. He uri tahi rāua no ngā iwi o Tainui.
Ko Kopukairoa te Maunga
Kopukairoa is the maunga that shelters Ngāti Pūkenga.
He is known to the local people as the Father Whale in Ngā Maunga Tohorā: The Three Whales.
Our maunga has seen it's fair share of controversy over the years, from ancestral rights to people erecting homes, on what has always been considered a "Wahi Tapu".
Ko Waitao te awa
Te Awa o Waitao is our ancestoral river. Situated in Welcome Bay, the flow of our awa begins in the upper reaches of Waitao valley. It has one main tributary on its eastern side from "Nga Horowai o Kaiate"; Kaiate Falls, and four tributaries on its western side. The two main marae of Ngāti Pūkenga and Nga Potiki hapū, reside on its riverbanks.
Nga Papaka o Rangataua initiated “Te Awa o Waitao Restoration Project” in response to long-held concerns about the health of the stream and bay. It was a collaboration between hapu, NZ Landcare Trust and NIWA in 2002-03.
Whākapā mai
Ngāti Pūkenga Iwi ki Tauranga Trust
Rūnanga email: runanga.pukenga@gmail.com
Marae email: tewhetuoterangimarae@gmail.com